PhyToga All Levels: Back Health | Part 2
PhyToga All Levels with Christine
Join Christine for this All Levels class on back health and core stability. We talk about "engaging our core", "pulling belly button to spine" all the time, but what does that really mean and why do we do it?? I go over function and mechanics of the Transverse Abdominis! muscle for the first 5 minutes, so feel free to skip if you want to get right to the exercises. If you want to exercise your brain, join me for the discussion and I would love to hear your comments after class.
Equipment: 1 light weight, 1 heavier weight, strap for stretching (all optional)
Difficulty: 4-6/10, modifications offered to make easier or more difficult
Up Next in PhyToga All Levels with Christine
PhyToga All Levels: Standing Strength...
So many ways to strengthen with a resistance band in standing! A friend asked me to do a standing exercise program that is quick, simple and effective and that she can do anywhere - here it is! Just throw the resistance band in your bag and go, it is portable and you can do right from your phone....
PhyToga All Levels: Hips and Shoulder...
Diane is back and making progress on her sciatica issue. She will continue to modify in this class and I will show the higher levels. In this class, we are moving distally (away from the trunk) to the hips and shoulders- both ball and socket joints. Because of their ability to move in 3 planes of...
PhyToga All Levels: Back Health | Part 1
Please meet Diane. She has an issue with sciatica, which inspired me to do this PhyToga All Levels class targeting back health. Diane does the modified version so that she can maintain strength in her core, hips and pelvis while she gets her sciatica under control. I will offer some "patient educ...